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2024-2025 Auditions
Welcome to
Millikan Dance!
It's always a great day to be a RAM!
MHS Dance Audition Packet
via Google Forms is due no later than
Monday, April 15th, 9AM

Click Here
to link up to Audition Packet!
Step 1.

Step 2.
Grade Check Form
This form must be printed out and signed by ALL of your teachers. You will need to email a photo or scanned doc of this by Monday, April 15th 9AM.

Step 3.
Teacher Letter of Recommendation
This form must be printed out and filled in by a CORE teacher, History/Math/Science/or English and returned in a sealed envelope at Sign in on DAY ONE of Auditions.
Monday, April 15th

24/25 Audition Choreo with Music
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